For this assignment, I chose to recreate the seven deadly sins, but in this photo, there are only six since Sloth overslept. The six sins are trying to have a family meeting, but all of them are seemingly in their own worlds due to their fatal flaws. Individual Character Breakdown: The man all the way to the left is Lust . Lust is characterized by their strong sexual desire and ignorance for more meaningful items. I displayed Lust in this photo by being shirtless, looking at themselves in a mirror, and focusing on nobody else except themselves. Lust is self-obsessed and will do anything to flaunt their body or looks, so I wanted to show that in the final photo. The man standing next to the mirror is Pride . Pride is characterized by their excessive desire for themselves and ignorance of god. Similar to Lust , Pride is self-obsessed. Pride loves flashiness and making sure everybody in the room knows that they'r...
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